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During the 1990s and early 2000s, digital or robotic pets were at the top of most children’s Christmas lists. From the pocket-sized Tamagotchi to the spirited Furby, these toys gave us a glimpse of what we could expect from developers in the future. Since our interests were piqued over 20 years ago, the idea of a robotic pet has far surpassed the realm of being just a toy, with many having become a functional and useful piece of technology. Earlier this year at the CES exhibition in Las Vegas, Sony showcased their latest recreation of the 90s hit robot dog, Aibo. Almost unrecognisable compared to its original form, the new Aibo is arguably the most technologically advanced robotic pet on the market. Jam-packed with sensory, locomotive and automated technology, this robot dog has raised an important question: Could our animal companions ever be replaced by robots?



When it comes to robotic animals, there is a significant difference between what is a toy and what you could truly consider a pet. One key difference lies in their level of autonomy and accompanying artificial intelligence (AI). The majority of robopet toys of the 90s and 2000s had been programmed with limited abilities. They could give a set response to sounds or be



How It Works 053 could give a set response to sounds or be controlled remotely by their user to follow commands. Therefore it’s hard to imagine that the unique characteristics of our beloved pets could ever be reproduced in a robotic alternative. However, with the introduction of AI to life imitating pets, their ability to learn and develop a ‘personality’ could make them much more than just a toy.


Hollywood blockbusters often associate artificial intelligence with androids determined to overthrow the human race. However, the fundamentals of AI aren’t malevolent. At its core, AI is simply the ability for a computer program or robot to carry out tasks that humans would associate with intelligence. Examples of AI could include the ability to learn from experiences, solve problems or recognise individuals based on voice or facial analysis.


Aibo, for example, is brought to life through installed intelligence alongside mechanical characteristics. It can respond to a situation, learn to perform tricks, play on its own, navigate around a room, and much more thanks to its AI brain. It’s this memory stick mind that lets Aibo grow and mature the more it is interacted with.


Much like any conventional pet, Aibo also responds to being touched and petted, with several sensors placed around its body. If you own a dog you know that if you are the one that feeds them, walks them and plays with them the most, you are often the one that gets the most puppy love.


This is a natural quality that developers have incorporated into their designs. Aibo’s AI technology enables it to differentiate between members of the family, and those that give it the most attention grow to be its favourite.


Aibo isn’t, of course, the only robotic pet to use advanced technology. CHiP (Canine Home Intelligent Pet) is a dog with the same intentions as Aibo, however, this mechanical mutt has traded walking for wheels. Released back in 2016, CHiP received a lot of media attention as a result of its developer’s claim that it could develop a personality. While it’s less autonomous than Aibo, CHiP allows owners to approve its behaviour via their own SmartBand accessory. This device allows owners to communicate with CHiP to deliver commands and even tailor its behaviour. By ‘liking’ CHiP’s actions through the band, this robopet can begin to learn how to (and how not to) behave, in a similar way to training a real-life dog.


Robotic pets have been designed to be an entertaining version of their living counterparts, and they offer us a new type of companion. Our technological demand for instant information may mean that products like Aibo or CHiP could have smart-home assistants like Amazon’s Alexa incorporated within them in the near future, making the owner a modern-day Dr Doolittle. However, there are robopets out there that are enriching people’s health as well as their homes.




Although living pets offer a great amount of affection and happiness to their owners, they come with responsibilities that not everyone can commit to. There has been an increased use of robotic pets among the elderly and those with disabilities as companion and therapy pets. Straying away from the more popular dog or cat design, PARO is a robotic seal pup that offers support in hospitals and care facilities. This robot is currently being used as a tool to aid patients suffering from dementia with social interactions. PARO is equipped with multiple sensors and responsive animatronics to replicate the movements of a living pet, but it remains relatively sedentary to keep patients calm and happy.


Other companies, including Hasbro, have also created companion robots to replicate both cats and dogs in order to serve the same purpose as PARO. Projects such as MiRo are currently in development to produce autonomous robots that can monitor our health. Created by Consequential Robotics, MiRo aims to reassure its owners that they are not alone in a medical crisis. “We design robotic systems that will go into people’s homes to help them look after themselves better. [They’re] specififically helpful for old people. The key reason people go into residential care is the fear of falling; that you will fall over and no one will be there,” said cofounder Sebastian Conran. This is where MiRo could be of assistance by alerting the authorities when it detects a problem.

其他公司,包括孩之宝,也创造了伴侣机器人复制猫和狗,以服务于同样的目的,防止外空军备竞赛。米罗等项目目前正在开发,以生产能够监测我们健康的自动机器人。米罗由后果机器人公司创立,目的是让它的主人放心,他们并不是唯一陷入医疗危机的人。“我们设计了机器人系统,将进入人们的家庭,以帮助他们照顾自己更好。它们对老年人特别有帮助。人们去住院护理的主要原因是害怕跌倒,你会摔倒,而且没有人会在那里。”Said共同创始人Sebastian Conran。这就是米罗在发现问题时向当局发出警报的地方,可能会有所帮助。

“What we can do is program MiRo to respond if you’re happy or sad as it has facial recognition. It can see what faces you are pulling or if you’re in the process of having a stroke,” Conran continues. Research has shown that pets both living and robotic can offer therapeutic help to their owners, but what about their use as a medical monitor? MiRo is being developed as a barking health checker as well as a companion. “


“It can transmit information and understand what the wristband around your wrist is saying, whether your body temperature is a bit hot or cold. It can say whether your blood oxygen level is low or if your heart rate is elevated or not present. It can monitor basic vital signs pretty accurately,” explains Conran.


It seems that robotic pets may have a place within future households as a source of support, entertainment and potentially even security – roles that a living counterpart can’t necessarily offer. However, as far as answering the question of whether they could replace our furry friends, we have a long way to go before we see anything that could compete with the real deal.






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